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How To Make Mac O’ Lanterns

How To Make Mac O’ Lanterns

Halloween is that time of year when the lollies and chocolate are flowing freely. Last year we showed how the kids can make a gluten free Halloween pumpkin cake from cupcakes. It was a popular post, but this time around we wanted to make it even simpler.

Enter the Mac O’ Lantern.

That’s right. We’ve gone for a savoury-themed food project which cuts back on the sugar. These gluten free Mac O’ Lanterns are a fun kids’ recipe that anyone can whip up.

Mac O' Lanterns

We used our Cheesy Mac as the filling, but there’s nothing stopping you from making your own macaroni cheese. Our Mac will be appealing to those on a gluten-free or plant-based diet. If you want a quick, easy way to make the filling then packet mixes are good for this too.

If the kids don’t like capsicum then choose another vegetable that works. Some good options are tomato, eggplant, or zucchini. You could also hollow out a marrow and create one large Mac O’ Lantern to share.

The steps

This is the easy bit.

  1. Slice the top off capsicums that have been washed and dried.
  2. Remove the white stuff inside and discard.
  3. Use a sharp knife to cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Make the Cheesy Mac according to the pack instructions.
  5. Spoon Mac into the capsicums and serve.

Try to find the smallest capsicums possible. Most kids will struggle to eat an entire large capsicum.

A Beginner’s Guide to Coeliac Disease

A Beginner’s Guide to Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Awareness Week 2024 runs from March 13th – 20th, and International Coeliac Day is May 16th. The purpose of these events is to raise awareness of coeliac disease. To help spread the word, we’ve pulled together an introductory guide.

Get an instant download of our Coeliac Disease Guide here>

What is coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where the body reacts abnormally to gluten, causing small bowel damage.

Villi are tiny finger-like projections that line the bowel; they are flattened and become inflamed when gluten is consumed.

This condition is a type of atrophy that reduces the available surface of the bowel to absorb the food’s nutrients.

Gluten is responsible for this damage to the body and can be found in a wide range of food and beverages. Wheat, barley, rye, and oats all contain gluten at varying levels.

At first glance, this may not seem like a lot of food types; however, food manufacturers use these ingredients in a surprising number of products.

How many Australians are affected by CD?

It is estimated that one in every seventy Australians has Coeliac Disease. Interestingly, of that number, around 80% have not been diagnosed. In Australia, Coeliac Awareness Week plays a major role in increasing awareness and helping people understand the symptoms.

There’s a 15% chance that if you have coeliac disease, you’ll have another autoimmune disease. The later the age of diagnosis, the higher the possibility of developing other autoimmune disorders.

Some of the common disorders associated with CD include arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and thyroid disease. For more information, check out this page.

Symptoms of CD

So, what are the common symptoms associated with coeliac disease? There is a wide range, but here are some of the more common ones:

+Abdominal pain

+Weight loss



+Joint pain

+Fertility problems



+Stomach pain

+Growth problems

+Skin rashes


There is a range of other symptoms so check out Coeliac Australia’s symptoms for more information.

How to test for coeliac disease

Do you suspect you may have coeliac disease? Getting a definitive diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner is imperative. The good news is, screening for this disease is relatively simple.

Step 1: Maintain a regular diet

Before any medical testing can be carried out, you’ll need to stick to a regular gluten diet for six weeks. You probably won’t feel great over this period, but it is necessary. Testing may produce false negatives if you’re already on a gluten-free diet.

Step 2: Get blood tests

A quick blood test, referred to as serology testing, is the next step in the process of diagnosis. The test looks for elevated levels of specific antibody proteins. Higher levels indicate that there could be an immune reaction to gluten.

Step 3: Endoscopy

If the blood test results come back positive, then your doctor will usually request an endoscopy. A long tube with a small camera is fed down the throat and through to the small intestine. This allows the specialist to take a close look at the lining of the intestine. At the same time, several biopsies can be taken, which involves taking some small tissue samples; any damage to the villi will be evident from analysing these tissue samples.

The thought of an endoscopy may seem overwhelming for some, but it is actually a simple procedure that usually takes under 10 minutes.

Fast facts

* The average age for getting diagnosed with coeliac disease is 40 years of age.

* If a family member has CD, there’s a 1 in 10 chance of other family members also developing it.

* Once starting a gluten free diet, it takes 3-6 months for the small intestine to recover in children.

* Once starting a gluten free diet, it takes 2-3 years for the small intestine to recover in adults.

Coeliac disease and diet

Life for a coeliac is a different world in 2020 compared to 10 years ago. There is a wide range of products on supermarket shelves that are suitable for those on a gluten-free diet. Virtually every category of food has an ever-increasing number of options; however, there is still plenty of room for new products to be developed.

According to data published by Statista the gluten-free market is estimated to grow to almost USD$7 billion by 2025.

Did you know that 12.1% of Australians have removed gluten and or wheat from their diet? This number grows each year, which means there is an ever-growing base of resources in this area. If you need to eat gluten-free then you won’t be alone. There are loads of gluten free recipes that have been developed without gluten, as well as groups on social media to discuss anything related to the topic.

Your initial foray into eating gluten free may seem overwhelming. There are a surprising number of products that contain it. Soup, processed meat, dressings, sauces, and even beer may contain gluten.

In Australia, gluten is classified as an allergen and must be declared on the product’s nutritional label. Always check this label in-store. Even if a product is gluten-free, the food may have been made in a facility that contains allergens.

Summing up

If you, or your child, are experiencing symptoms of coeliac disease then the best thing you can do is visit your doctor to get a checkup. A simple 3-step process will provide you with solid answers.

For those that have recently been diagnosed, eating out and at-home cooking may seem daunting at first. We suggest asking lots of questions and joining online groups to absorb as much information as possible.

Another great option is to attend exhibitions – these are invaluable for finding new gluten free food suppliers and for staying up to date with all the latest information on coeliac disease.

Hungry to learn more?

Check out our gluten free baking guide here.

Coeliac Awareness Week is Coming [2024]

Coeliac Awareness Week is Coming [2024]

Coeliac Awareness Week: March 13-20

In Australia, Coeliac Awareness Week is March 13-20. A big issue in our country is that a large proportion of coeliac sufferers continue undiagnosed. This is far from ideal for the sufferer as it is a progressive disease, and the symptoms will continue to worsen.

Coeliac Awareness Week is all about getting people talking about their symptoms and, more importantly, taking action to get themselves checked.

What are the symptoms of Coeliacs Disease?

Coeliac Awareness WeekThere are a lot of potential symptoms, and they can vary considerably in each case. Some common symptoms include

  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • flatulence
  • cramping
  • bloating
  • abdominal pain
  • fatigue

If you’re getting some of these symptoms then we recommend visiting your GP. There are tests for this disease which are relatively simple. You can find out more about diagnosis and lots more information at the below links.

How is Coeliac Disease treated?

Researchers are working on a cure; however, there are currently no treatments for this disease. The only option is to maintain a gluten free diet. Thankfully there are a lot of resources available for helping out coeliacs and many recipe websites dedicated to living a gluten free life. In addition, the foodservice industry has come a long way, and now there are many gluten free food offerings in cafes, restaurants, and bakeries.

Further information about Coeliac Disease

Well and Good Passover Baking Mixes Available

Well and Good Passover Baking Mixes Available

We’re excited to have launched a limited run of baking mixes that are Kosher for Passover. For a limited time, they’re available from Kraus Foods in Glen Eira and Kosher Kingdom in Elsternwick. Get down to one of these stores today and get yourself a bag.

A chocolate cake getting iced

The baking mixes are available in the following variants: Devil’s Food Choc Cake, Vanilla Coconut Cake, Low Carb SR Flour, and Potato Starch.

If you don’t live in Melbourne then keep in mind we’ll be supplying this range Australia-wide next year. Also, our Low Carb Self Raising flour that is Kosher for Passover is now available in the baking aisle at Woolworths.

If you had the chance to try our Passover products, what did you think of them? We’d love to get your feedback so shoot us an email to [email protected] or reach out on social media.    

When is Passover?
Saturday, 27 March and ends in the evening of Sunday, 4 April

Well and Good Launches New Look

Well and Good Launches New Look

You talked, we listened…

In 2016 we took time out to talk with our customers. We wanted to better understand what they liked about the Well and Good brand, and what needed improvement. From those discussions it quickly became clear that our brand didn’t reflect what we stood for as a company.

In a nutshell, we needed a new look. A look to convey that baking Well and Good mixes is all about creating amazingly delicious food and, at the same time, having fun in the kitchen.

Introducing the new Well and Good…

Gluten Free Baking Mixes

Why we think our new packaging is awesome…

  • Vibrant pastel colours to convey a brand that’s all about fun in the kitchen.
  • Improved product pictures to better show the quality of our baking mixes.
  • A simpler box front that’s easy to read – no marketing spin here folks.
  • A new logo design that’s simple; a lot like using our baking mixes!

What hasn’t changed…

Our obsession with quality. Avoiding gluten, dairy and other allergens is serious business for many. You need to be able to trust your food source. Our quality obsessed philosophy is what we’ve built our business on and that will never change.

Healthier Options

Reduced Sugar Baking Mixes

A key message we learned from our customers was the need for healthier baking options. Reduced sugar was at the top of this list. So we got busy creating our first range of reduced sugar baking mixes. Our all purpose mix and muffin mix now have 40% less sugar; our banana bread mix has 35% less sugar.

Our reduced sugar range hits the stores through July in the Health Food section of Coles and in selected IGAs.
Fully Baked Bread Now Available

Fully Baked Bread Now Available

Gluten Free Baked Bread

Gluten Free Bread, just got better!

Bread is the most basic comfort. For many, it’s an important part of our diet and culture. For people who are Coeliac and gluten intolerant, finding good bread is essential to their well-being!

Well and Good is a business based on customer service, innovation and creating delicious and indulgent products that happen to be gluten free. Getting bread right, without gluten, wheat, dairy, egg and soy means a lot to our team and customers.

Introducing gluten free baked bread by Well and Good

Gluten Free Sandwich BreadSometimes we find an ingredient or technical innovation that is a total game changer. Combining passion and expertise for product development is what our team is best at. Our goal was to create a product that can further raise the bar in gluten free baking innovation. Enter Well and Good Bakery, based in Melbourne. This bakery has allowed us to bring to you a range of fully baked bread that is simply irresistible!

This isn’t a mix – it’s fully baked and ready to eat. After talking to our customers back in 2016, the message was very clear. There simply isn’t a quality gluten free bread range available at a competitive price. We decided to change that. By investing in a purpose built, gluten free bakery we now have the ability to produce a wide range of bread that we’re confident you’ll enjoy.

The initial range we’ve introduced consists of the following five products:

Well and Good Bread Range

Hamburger Bun: Soft on the inside with a golden chewy exterior, these hamburger buns are an essential building block to the perfect gluten free hamburger.

Mini Baguette: A traditional white bread with a lovely golden crust – ideal for many applications. Make gluten free garlic bread in minutes!

Gluten Free BreadWhite Seeded Bread: A soft white bread with seeds added for added nutrition and taste. Available in small or large loaf.

Slider Rolls: Soft and fluffy dinner rolls which are the perfect accompaniment to your favourite dinner-time meal. Delicious on their own with a knob of butter or used to make sliders and mini rolls.

How to Order

In store: Our range is rolling out through stores in NSW and SA. We’re available in independents supermarkets and health food stores.

Online: If you’re in VIC or NSW, you can visit to place your order. We’re currently using Australia Post to ship to customers. If you’re in another part of Australia stay tuned – we’ll be rolling out to additional states over the coming months.

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